30 days to fearless living!

On Easter Sunday morning, River City Community Church kicked off a sermon series and campaign called "Fearless!"  We will be walking together for 30 days looking at what the bible says about being set free from fear. We live in a culture held in bondage to fear, and yet, one of the most common exhortations in scripture is "Do not be afraid." Every message in April will look at how the bible says we can be free from different life-altering fears. Our life groups will all be centered around helping people explore and apply the "Fearless" message as it pertains to their lives. Every evening, beginning on Tuesday, April 2nd, on this site, I will post a devotional on fear to be available the next day (except on Saturday evening because the devotion for Sunday will be the "Fearless" message at River City).

This is going to be a powerful time of learning to think differently about fear. I encourage you to attend the "Fearless" series at River City, commit to a group for the month of April, and look here on this blog for a daily devotion on overcoming fear!  Jesus said "You'll know the truth and the truth will set you free." We’re going to get serious about letting the truth of scripture set us free from stranglehold of fear!

A Cool Story About River City

A friend of mine, and one of our ministry leaders, named Perry Shankle was at a Christian event last week and he was wearing his River City Community Church sportsman's shirt.  The speaker saw Perry's shirt and commented about how River City Community Church "get's it."  Perry was curious as to how this man knew about River City.

The speaker was Gavin Rodgers and, last year, he gave up his home for lent.  That's right, he left his home and lived homeless in San Antonio.  Gavin chronicled his experience on a blog called 40daysofhaven.com.  He spent significant time at Haven for Hope in San Antonio and ran into some of our regular volunteers there.  Below is a section of that blog where he shares about the encounter.  Gavin is an awesome brother who did something pretty amazing.  And when he took the time to share a word of encouragement with one of our volunteers, he gave us a true gift.  I am thankful to Gavin for sharing this story, and I'm even more thankful for the awesome volunteers who made this story happen.

From 40daysofhaven.com  ...Usually dinner is simple and you can only get one plate from the churches that provide the meals.  However this night was different.  Last night, River City Community Church (their website is www.reallife.org <http://www.reallife.org/>  … I also like that name!) served us the dinner…and it was amazing.  First off, it was the first time in 8 days that I was greeted by the church volunteers in line before we were served and they asked me “What’s your name?” before we were seated. Let me type it again.

They asked me, “What’s your name?”

They cared enough to know my name…some random homeless person needing a place to eat.  They cared about the downtrodden, the addicts, the hookers, and the lonely.  For a moment, they look past the shaggy hair, torn clothes, and smelly  bodies…and they see Jesus Christ.

They didn’t have to ask.  All the churches before didn’t find it neccessary to ask that question.  I bet they are all great churches…but River City Community Church got it right.  They saw the image of God in every single one of us.  The humanized homelessness.

It was the first time we also were allowed to have 2nd, 3rds, or even 4ths.  They brought that much food!  And did not hold back.  They had ground beef, white rice, beans, pickles, jalepenos, bread, milk, tea, cheese, and juice.  It was a banquet.  It was a great banquet.

Last night the dining room had a different feel than the nights before.  The residents were laughing, hugging, sharing food, and praying for one another.  This might happen quite often here…but it was the first time I experienced that type of spirit in the outdoor shelter.

Maybe it was luck.

Maybe it was the weather.

Maybe is was the  2nds.

Or maybe it was the love River City Church had for everyone regardless of social status…how they dropped their fear of the homeless and saw in us the Image of God.

Maybe it was because they asked, “What’s your name?”

A letter to our new churches!

As some of you know, we took the two multisite campuses that we started and have officially launched them as new churches! That transition is official and complete as of January 1st, 2013. Here is a letter from a proud and grateful pastor to those 2 churches.:

River City New Braunfels and Northwest,

Well, the transition is complete and you guys are launched as 2 new Christian fellowships! I just want to write you a brief note to say how proud I am of you and how much I enjoyed being your pastor. I am so grateful and excited to see the good fruit that God has produced in you during our time together.  

When that small group of people started meeting in our home and decided to call ourselves River City Community Church, we hoped to grow and one day launch other fellowships. It is amazing to see that come to fruition. I'm not sure we understood the size vision that God had for us. I'm still not sure we understand how big God's vision is for River City!

I pray for you as you take off on the next leg of the journey. I pray for your new pastors as they give leadership to what God intends to do in and through you. I encourage you to support them and pray for them. They carry a great weight of responsibility and your support will mean a lot. 

One of the things that River City Community Church was founded on is a stubborn faith in a Big God! Don't ever leave that legacy behind. Don't let fear keep you from following Him, no matter where He leads. Remember, obedience is where the power of God is released!

Thank you for letting me lead you as we started these works in our region. Please know what a joy it has been. I look forward to our new relationship as churches partnering together for the Kingdom. If I, or the staff of River City Community Church, can do anything to help you, please let us know. We are family and I look forward to our fellowship together.

I pray that the Lord gives you great fruit as you continue to call people to follow, connect, grow, serve, share!

Reaching for real life,
