Fearless - Day 9

His heart is secure, he will have no fear; in the end he will look in triumph on his foes.  Psalm 112:8 

Eventually, we will all face foes or adversaries of one kind or another. Whether they are people, obstacles, or circumstances…spiritual or natural, they are real and they stand in opposition to God’s best for us. The question is how will these foes affect us? Psalm 112 opens by declaring blessing on “The man who fears the LORD” and “who finds great delight in his commands.” Verse 8 describes him as having no fear because his heart is “secure.”  I think of something strong, deeply rooted, and safe from the storms that rage all around. Make no mistake; one of fear’s primary inroads into our lives is a divided or unstable heart. Surrendering completely to the Lord and His plans creates a secure heart, which is solid and immoveable…and much less susceptible to fear.

For Reflection: What “foes” cause you anxiety or fear? Where do you find yourself struggling with a divided heart? Take a moment and surrender these areas to the Lord and ask Him to give you a more secure heart.

Lord, I thank you that you never fail. Anything I entrust to you is absolutely secure. Today, I entrust my heart to you again. Protect me from competing attachments that create a divided heart and open me to fear. Let my heart be fully yours and let me be fearless in you!

Fearless - Day 8

He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.  Psalm 112:7 

I hate bad news…and so do you. That’s why it’s called bad news. But, the person who puts their trust in the Lord has a very different response to it. Bad news looks different when seen in light of a good God. In Him, there is always hope!  That’s why the scripture says: “his heart is steadfast, trusting the Lord” It’s not a matter of denial. Bad news is still bad. But, we don’t lose heart, because we have a good and powerful God! We don’t need to be afraid.

For Reflection: What bad news do you fear most? Take a moment and put that situation in God’s hands

Lord, I thank you that I don’t have to face bad news alone. You are always with me. Because of Your presence, I don’t have to fear negative circumstances. Give me the strength to look to you and remember that you have the final word and that you are trustworthy.

Fearless - Day 7

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

The problem with “worldly peace” is that it exists at the whim of circumstances. As long as conditions are favorable around me, I’m at peace. But that kind of peace is extremely superficial and leaves lots of room for my heart to be troubled by fear. What if my “peaceful” circumstances change…the market tanks, war breaks out, I lose a job, or a relationship ends? Jesus is offering a whole new kind of peace—the kind that thrives in good times and not so good times, because it has nothing to do with circumstances. His peace is based on His presence, which He offers freely! No matter what conditions are around me, I can be at peace because He is with me and promises to lead, protect, guide, and provide no matter what! No Fear!

For Reflection: What circumstances in your life can most tempt you to fear? How would acknowledging God’s presence in those circumstances change your outlook and responses?

Lord, help me to see with spiritual eyes. Circumstances can appear to be the only thing that is real, but I know that’s not true. You are with me, and because of Your presence, I can be at peace no matter what I am walking through.