Made for Love - Fearless, Day 30!

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 

1 John 4:18

Most good stories revolve around a character that you come to care about overcoming conflict in pursuit of something that they truly desire. That something is—more often than not—love, because we instinctively know we were made for love!

Over the last 30 days, we’ve looked at the biblical remedy to fear. Over and over, we’ve heard the same thing said in different ways. I don’t need to fear because I am deeply loved by the omnipotent God of the Universe. His powerful presence and perfect love drive out all fear! Sadly, many relate to God out of a legalistic attempt to escape punishment. This approach misses the whole mission of Jesus Christ and the cross. He took the punishment for any who will receive Him. Fear of punishment was never to be the nature of our relationship with Father. It is to begin and end with love. And, when the Almighty loves you, you don’t need to fear!

The greatest security available to us is the faithful love of our God. So, the most direct path to fearlessness is the one that leads to close, intimate fellowship with the Father. Press in. Seek His presence. Listen for His voice and follow closely. You’ll be amazed at how His love drives out all fear!

For Reflection: How do you most naturally envision and approach God: loving Father or angry Judge? Think of the most loving person you’ve ever known. Now, recognize the truth that God loves you infinitely more perfectly than any person ever could. How does that recognition impact your approach to Him?

Father, I thank You for loving me enough to give Your life for me. Please forgive the times I distort Your image by assuming that You love like we do. Your love is perfect because Your very nature is love! Help me to trust You enough to press in and experience new dimensions of Your faithfulness! Let Your perfect love drive out all my fear!

Whisper Back! - Fearless, Day 29

But do not be afraid of them; remember well what the LORD your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt.  Deuteronomy 7:18

Testimonies are the stories of what God has done for His people. Remembering the faithfulness of God in the past is one of the greatest antidotes to fear in the present. When circumstances press in, crowding you with fear, stop and recount what you have seen God do in the past. The faithfulness of the past gives life to the promises for the future.

Now, if you don’t think you have any personal stories of God working on your behalf, I’d like to make a couple of suggestions. First, take moment and look harder. Just because you didn’t recognize it at the time doesn’t mean God wasn’t there, working and moving. Also, it’s never too late to start building a testimony. Begin today by trusting God with small steps of faith. Obedience releases the power of God! And, every time you see His faithfulness on your behalf, your faith is built, and a testimony is born. Then, the next time something big threatens to overwhelm and fear begins to whisper in your ear, you’ll have a collection of stories to remember and whisper back.

For Reflection: Where have you personally observed the faithfulness of God? What small steps of faith could you take today to build testimonies for tomorrow?

Lord, You have been so good to me! Thank You for the many ways You have displayed Your love and faithfulness. When I am tempted with fear, help me to remember the good things You have done. As I remember Your powerful intervention in my past, I have hope for the future, and I am not afraid!

You are His! Fearless, Day 28

But now, this is what the LORD says, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”    Isaiah 43:1-2

You don’t need to be afraid because you are His. The Creator of all things wants you! In fact, He gets downright possessive about it! And here lies the secret…it’s not who you are, but whose you are that is the foundation of fearlessness.

Stop and consider…in love, the Almighty formed you. When sin enslaved you, He sent His Son, Jesus, to buy back your freedom. He invites you, by name (Yes, God knows your name!), into relationship with Him. And then, as if that weren’t enough, our God promises to be with you—leading, protecting, and providing—every single day!

So, what was it that you were afraid of?

Repeat after me: “I am His. He is with me, no fear!”

For Reflection: Which is more challenging for you to believe: God will or God can? How does God’s possessiveness of you impact your thinking?

Lord, I thank You for going to such great lengths to display how much You love and desire relationship with me. Forgive me for the times I’ve taken You for granted. I was created to be Yours, and it is in You that my heart is made whole. I am not afraid, because You are my Father and You are with me always!