San Antonio Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

Dear River City Family,

The San Antonio City Council is considering an amendment to its anti-discrimination ordinance. The proposed changes would have serious implications for anyone who takes seriously the scripture’s position on marriage and human sexuality.

As a fellowship, we have made a point to avoid political grandstanding and to show love to all people regardless of whether they agree with us or not. However, this proposed ordinance deserves our attention and prayerful engagement. In 1Timothy 2:1-2, the apostle Paul writes “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority.” We need to pray for San Antonio’s City Council!

San Antonio’s Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

The proposed amendment would expand San Antonio’s anti-discrimination ordinance to include a prohibition against discrimination on the basis of, among other things, “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.” The ordinance defines discrimination as demonstrating “a bias, by word or deed, against any person, group of persons, or organization on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, age or disability.”  As Christians we, along with many Jews, and Muslims, do not see homosexuality as a predetermined genetic inevitability. We do not see sexual inclinations and choices as the equivalent of nationality and race. We believe that we can choose our sexual behavior while we cannot choose our race. We see homosexual activity, same-sex marriage, and transgender lifestyles to be contrary to scripture and, as such, sin. Such a designation may now be considered discriminatory according to the definition of bias given in this ordinance.  Under the ordinance, people of faith, who speak their conviction, could be barred or removed from city office. Others could face legal penalties for running their personal business according to their belief. Thus, an ordinance meant to prohibit discrimination may set up a de facto form of discrimination against many people of faith.

How Will This Ordinance Affect You?


Pastors or other people of faith who discuss whether or not certain behaviors are “sinful” may be considered to be engaging in discrimination according to the definition of “bias” given in this ordinance.  Such accusations of discrimination may affect both our ability to speak God’s truth in love and our freedom of speech, religion, and association.

Public Accomodations:

If you are a business owner who has rental property, restaurants, hotels, or theatres, you may be compelled by this ordinance to violate your conscience and not operate the business according to your religious convictions.

Appointments and Contracts with the City:  

A person may not be appointed to a position with the City if he or she is perceived to have a bias against those of a homosexual or transgender orientation and can be removed from office even if previously appointed.  A person may also be precluded from contracting with the City if that person is perceived to have a bias against any group named in the ordinance. 

Actions to Consider:

  1. Pray for our City Council, and pray according to Jesus’ instruction, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
  2. Several local faith-based organizations have expressed concerns about the amended ordinance.  You can read their concerns at
  3. For some thoughts and perspective for those who consider the biblical view of marriage and human sexuality to be hateful and bigoted, check out this link: Here we go again-We're not hateful, we just disagree.
  4. If you would like to contact your city council member or the mayor go to  for a list of districts, Council members, and contact information.

Finally, I encourage you to remember Paul’s exhortation to “Speak the truth in love.” How we conduct ourselves in matters like these is of critical importance. It would be wrong to stay silent and it would be wrong to be arrogant and adversarial. Remember, we are all sinners who have had grace extended to us by a loving God. There is no “us and them”…it’s just us.

Also, remember Paul’s encouragement to Christians in Philippi: “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death— even death on a cross!” - Phil 2:5-8

Speak the truth with love and humility, in the service of those to whom you are speaking, and let the Lord do the rest.

*Thanks to Pastor Bill Tucker, of Concordia Lutheran Church for the heads up and helpful description of the impact of this city ordinance, some of which I used in this post.  

Here we go again...we're not hateful, we just disagree!

In light of the conversation regarding San Antonio's proposed amendment to its anti-discrimination ordinance, there are some throwing around the phrases "hateful" and "bigot" to describe those of us who hold biblical views of marriage and human sexuality. I'd like to repost some comments of mine from an earlier conversation that arose when Chick-fil-a president, Dan Cathy spoke out on the subject.  I hope it helps bring some understanding...

In the aftermath of Dan Cathy’s comments in support of the biblical definition of a family and the massive groundswell of support that his company, Chick-fil-A, experienced on August 1st, the terms “bigot” and “hateful” are being thrown around like ketchup on waffle fries. One thoughtful, enlightened individual referred to the supporting crowds lined up outside a Chick-fil-A as bigots, and wondered why they left their white hoods at home. I was one of those people and I don’t have a white hood. No, this person doesn’t know anything about me except that he suspects I may disagree with him. Therefore I am a dangerous, hateful, clan member. I want to challenge those of us who support a biblical ideal of marriage and family not to take the bait. Don’t allow the ad hominem attacks (attacking your challenger and calling them names rather than analyzing and addressing their position) to distract from the real issues at the core of this debate and the real people impacted.

For many of us, there is definitely a religious aspect to the conversation. The bible clearly lists homosexuality among the sins that God wants us to be free from (See Romans 1:21-27 and 1 Cor. 6:9 for examples). So how we view God, creation, truth, the bible, mankind, and morality greatly informs our views of marriage and family. However, at a more basic level, this really comes down to how we view sexual behavior. A great number of us consider equating sexual behavior or appetites with race or nationality (like being white, black, Hispanic, or Jewish) as simply offensive. We all know that there are lots of sexual appetites that we don’t condone or validate with marriage status. Why not? If homosexual tendencies are a genetic inevitability, then why not every other sexual desire? It seems fairly well established that sexual appetites can change or be influenced by developmental factors. There are sexual addictions that we deem harmful and that we help people overcome. Suffice to say, there are a lot of questions to be answered before we equate sexual urges and choices with race and skin color. You see…we simply have a different view of sexuality and of marriage. We don’t hate people who disagree with us…we just disagree.

A very large number of people in this country believe that sex is a gift from God for the procreation of the human race. We believe that it is designed to be enjoyed by a man and a woman who have committed to one another in marriage so that the children who result from the union have a family to be raised in, where they can have the love and support of both parents and role models of male and female adulthood. (I understand that this stems from my religious views, but it also seems to be reinforced by anatomy and sociology.) We believe that, while there are other types of families that experience God’s blessing, this union is the cornerstone of civilization, and it always has been. We also believe that anything less than the biblical ideal of sexuality eventually causes hurt to the people involved and the community around them.

It is very important to understand that, while I obviously can’t speak for everyone who shares my views, I think I am very safe in saying that, we don’t hate those who disagree with us! In fact, we want the very best that God intended for all of us. We believe that acting according to God’s design is a key to the joyful and fulfilling expression of our sexuality. You may disagree. In fairness, you may even think we are deluded and totally wrong! But you can’t say that we are hateful for sharing what we believe to be a gift for everyone. In fact, if we really believe these things, how cruel would we have to be to not share our message?

It is truly sad that, while these views are widely held by many people, and have been since the beginning, the things I just wrote are considered dangerous and hateful. We can’t even really have a discussion about this without being called bigots, Nazis, and haters. This seems wrong…especially for people who claim to hold tolerance as a virtue.

We’re not hateful…we just disagree.