Fearless - Day 3

The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. Psalm 103:13 NLT

There is one fear that the Bible encourages: the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is very different from other fears. It is not like the fear a child has for an alcoholic parent who is unpredictable and might, at any moment, do something harmful. The biblical idea of the fear of the Lord is a clear understanding that God is different—He has no beginning or end, nor does He owe His existence to any creator. He is THE Creator and is more powerful and awesome than anyone, or anything in the world. It is a holy reverence that comes from recognizing who He is and who we are before Him. In a sense, it is the fear to end all fears. “If God is for us, then who can be against us?” My reverence, or fear of the Lord, puts me under His protection and covering. I don’t need to be afraid, because He is with me!

For reflection: Am I uncomfortable with the idea of “fearing” God, and if so, why? How does an accurate vision of God impact the fears that threaten to hinder my growth?

Lord, help me to understand the “fear of God” in light of the love of God. You are the all powerful creator of all things and yet you invite me to call you Father. You are omnipotent and I am your child. Thank you for your tender compassion to those who fear you. Because of your presence, I don’t have to be afraid.

Fearless - Day 2

The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. Psalm 34:7

The next time you are tempted to give in to fear, stop and remember this verse! Imagine how differently you’ll feel when you realize that you are not alone and that the God of the universe has placed heavenly protection around you! Take note of the word “encamps.” That means He’s here to stay, 24/7.  It’s not a phone call or a visit. He makes His dwelling in and around you! Walking in this one simple belief will go a long way to helping you become the fearless child of God that you were created to be!

For reflection:  Do I see God as “out there somewhere” or always with me? How does His nearness impact my feelings of fear?

Lord, I trust your word and I thank you that you are with and around me. When I wake up in the morning, you are there. And when I sleep at night, you are watching over me. Thank you for your presence and the freedom from fear that it brings. There’s always hope because you’re always with me.

Fearless - Day 1

Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Luke 12:32

The scripture says that God our Father has been pleased to give us the kingdom! He loves it; He finds joy in it! Sadly, many people have a very different image of God. When they pray, they don’t imagine a Father who is delighted to give good things to His children. They see an angry Father who wants to mete out justice for the wrong that they’ve done. While it is true, God is fully just in every way, He is also fully merciful! That’s why He sent Jesus to pay the penalty for our sins on the cross. Justice is satisfied, in Christ, so mercy can be extended to us! Father is pleased to give you the fullness of His kingdom in every dimension of your life! Don’t let fear rob you of your birthright in Christ!

For reflection: Do I envision God wanting to give me what I deserve or what He has promised in Christ? How does seeing His pleasure in giving me “the kingdom” change how I approach Him?

Father, I thank you that you are pleased to give me Your kingdom. Your love is beyond description and I am truly grateful! Forgive me for carrying wrong perceptions of you. Help me to see you as you truly are and let that vision guide me every day. Help me to walk fearlessly in the knowledge that you are my Father and have given me your kingdom!