Fearless - Day 18

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

I’m sorry…but if you have been told that as a follower of Jesus, you’ll never experience hard times, you’ve been lied to and should get your money back! We will all walk through the valley of the shadow of death. No exceptions. The imagery of valleys and shadows speak to times that are low and dark. I don’t need to expound because most of us have already been there, or at least been close.

I certainly prefer the sunny mountaintop, but truth be told, I have grown more in the valleys and shadows. He is with me there. Not that He’s absent on the high places, but it’s easier to get distracted by the beautiful surroundings. In the valley, I have only Him. I look for Him. I cling to Him. His rod and staff speak of correction, guidance, assurance, and protection…everything I need to come out of the shadows better than I went in. I don’t like hard times, but I don’t need to be afraid because I’m not alone.

For Reflection: Would you describe your current circumstances as more Mountain or Valley? As you listen, what do you hear the Lord saying to you in this season? Thank Him for whatever season you’re in and for His presence.

Lord, I don’t like the valley of the shadow of death, but sometimes we have to walk there. I thank You that I am not alone. Forgive me for the times when I’ve tried to rush through rather than letting You lead and guide. I don’t want to miss what You say in the

Fearless Sleep - Day 17!

When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Have no fear of sudden disaster or of the ruin that overtakes the wicked, for the LORD will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being snared. Proverbs 3:24-26

Something about the quiet of night seems to amplify the voice of fear. Its persistent drone has been the cause of far too many sleepless nights. Those who trust in the Lord know the secret of “sweet” sleep. It is the conscious habit of putting your fear in the Lord’s hands for safekeeping. 1 Peter 5:7 says “Cast all your anxiety on Him because HE cares for you.” He really does care and is able to protect and defend His own! The best part is, when I entrust my fear to Father for the night, I don’t have to pick it up in the morning! Anything I surrender to Him is in the best hands possible! I don’t need to fear because He will work things out for good, every time!

For Reflection: What keeps you up at night? What could you do to formally leave that fear in God’s hands? How about prayerfully making an actual list entitled “God’s concerns” and placing it there?

Lord, You are good and I trust You. I want to place my anxious fears in Your hands, but I feel like I’m always taking them back. Forgive me for my lack of faith. Teach me to release my burdens to You and to rest in Your care.

Fearless - Day 16

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. 2 Tim. 1:7

The King James translates this verse “God did not give us a spirit of fear.” Timidity is simply the paralysis that results from unhealthy fear. Timidity is that thing that keeps us from acting, speaking, and walking in God’s best for us.

I love the apostle’s description of the Holy Spirit in us: Spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline. He’s saying the Spirit is mighty enough to protect and empower us wherever He leads, loving enough to always act in our best interest, and always present to help me to discipline my fearful self into obedient action! Everything I need, to be free from fear, is right there within me!

Think of it this way…He can and He will; so I can, and I will!

For Reflection: In honest reflection, do you detect any areas of timidity resulting in fearful paralysis? If so, ask someone you trust to join you in praying that you would begin responding to God’s Spirit of power, love, and self-discipline rather than the spirit of fear.

Lord, the greatest gift You’ve ever given me is Your Holy Spirit abiding in me. Forgive me for ignoring You so much of the time. You are always with me, so I don’t need to hold back. I don’t need to be afraid! Thank you for Your power and Your amazing love. And thank You for the Spirit of self-disciple that enables me to follow You with no fear.