Fearless - Day 18
/Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4
I’m sorry…but if you have been told that as a follower of Jesus, you’ll never experience hard times, you’ve been lied to and should get your money back! We will all walk through the valley of the shadow of death. No exceptions. The imagery of valleys and shadows speak to times that are low and dark. I don’t need to expound because most of us have already been there, or at least been close.
I certainly prefer the sunny mountaintop, but truth be told, I have grown more in the valleys and shadows. He is with me there. Not that He’s absent on the high places, but it’s easier to get distracted by the beautiful surroundings. In the valley, I have only Him. I look for Him. I cling to Him. His rod and staff speak of correction, guidance, assurance, and protection…everything I need to come out of the shadows better than I went in. I don’t like hard times, but I don’t need to be afraid because I’m not alone.
For Reflection: Would you describe your current circumstances as more Mountain or Valley? As you listen, what do you hear the Lord saying to you in this season? Thank Him for whatever season you’re in and for His presence.
Lord, I don’t like the valley of the shadow of death, but sometimes we have to walk there. I thank You that I am not alone. Forgive me for the times when I’ve tried to rush through rather than letting You lead and guide. I don’t want to miss what You say in the