Only God is God - Fearless, Day 27

But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God?  Genesis 50:19

Am I in the place of God?

Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, and now, many years later, God had elevated him to the 2nd most powerful position in Egypt. After the death of their father, Jacob, the brother’s fear of retaliation was understandable. (If you don’t know Joseph’s story, it’s a great read, found in the last 14 chapters of Genesis!)

But Joseph’s question reveals the secret of his own, amazing response to cruel and unfair circumstances. He never forgot that slave traders, slave owners, and even Kings are not God.

Only God is God!

Imagine their surprise when his brothers heard Joseph say, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don’t be afraid. I will provide for you and your children.” (Gen. 50:20-21)

He had been in God’s hands the whole time. And he reminded them that they were now in God’s hands, not his.

You’re in God’s hands. Don’t be afraid.

For Reflection: When you think about the future of your family, your career, or even our country, where are you tempted to be afraid? How do things like news and talk radio impact your “fear quotient”? Does remembering that God is in control change the way you feel? Why or why not?

Lord, I love You, and I trust You. It’s so easy to look at circumstances and forget that You alone are God. No company, leader, or government will determine my future or destiny. Help me to keep my eyes on You. No matter what the news says, my life is in Your hands. Help me not to fear!