Fearless - Day 4
/Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
In find it interesting that God commanded Joshua to not be afraid or discouraged. Some would say that’s a pretty harsh command! We can’t control how we feel, can we? It seems like God is saying that fear and discouragement are a choice. He promises to be with us and instructs us not to operate out of fear but to walk in strength and courage…His strength and courage! Even if I feel afraid, I don’t have to be afraid! Learning the difference is a major discovery in the journey of faith!
For Reflection: What is one area of my life where I feel afraid? What would it look like if I chose not to be afraid? How would I respond differently?
Lord, I know that you are with me, but sometimes I still feel afraid. Help me to look past the natural circumstances that surround me to see your presence. Remind me of your promises and help me to respond in accordance with your word, rather than my fear. I thank you, in advance, for freedom from fear!
Don't forget; Fearless day 5 will be the Sunday morning sermon at River City Community Church. If you are out of town or unable to be there, catch it online at real life.org.