Fearless - Day 11

When I am afraid, I will trust in you. Psalm 56:3

It’s not a matter of “if” we’ll be afraid, but “when.” Sadly, fear is a regular challenge in a fallen world and, truth be told, every one of us has areas where fear is a temptation. The secret to becoming fearless is not denying it, but learning what to do with it. The Psalmist gives us a powerful and effective response to fear in the form of a simple prayer: ”I will trust in you!” Choosing to trust in the Lord is one of the most life-altering decisions a person can make. Fear magnifies circumstances, making them seem bigger than they are. Declaring our trust in the Lord puts the object of our fear back into its proper perspective. Even big issues lose their power to intimidate in the presence of an awesome God! He is trustworthy, so I don’t need to be afraid.

For Reflection: What is one area where you are tempted with fear? In this area, think of one tangible action that would declare your choice to trust God. Do it, and see what happens!

Lord, sometimes I feel afraid. I am bombarded daily with a thousand reasons why I should be fearful. But then I remember You. I remember Your love and faithfulness. You are eternally good and more powerful than anything that I might fear. So, instead of fear, I choose to trust you. I place my life and my circumstances in Your care. Thank you that I don’t need to be afraid!

Fearless - Day 10

But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened.” 1 Peter 3:14

Let’s be very clear…God never promises that we won’t suffer. Even those who do the right thing will suffer and, worse yet, the suffering may be a direct result of doing the right thing! Something in us wants to scream, “That’s not fair!” Well, sadly, life in a fallen world is not fair. However, suffering is different for those who are followers of Jesus. Even in the inevitable suffering that life can bring, we are blessed. We’re not alone. Suffering will not have the final word. Where there is death, Christ brings resurrection! Instead of being afraid, we are invited to be hopeful because God is working all things together for our good (Rom.8:28)! This hardship may be the very thing God uses to bring about the abundant life He promised! Don’t be afraid, you are blessed!

For Reflection: How do you respond to suffering? Think back on a time of suffering. Try to list 3 blessings that emerged from the hardship. (Think relationships, lessons, and opportunities.)

Lord, I thank you that I am not alone. You never promised that I wouldn’t suffer, but you promised to be with me. You even said that you would bless me in the midst of the suffering. I trust you in that, and I declare that I am not afraid. Help me to walk in the fearlessness of Your presence.