Thanksgiving weekend!
/Lauri and I pray that you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving. May you find yourselves overwhelmed with gratitude as you take stock of Father’s abundant blessings!
This weekend’s service will be a very special celebration of gratitude for the whole family. It’s Family Worship Weekend and we’ll enjoy a time of group participation in the very healthy practice of giving thanks! We’ll also share in the baptism of a number of people who want to publicly profess their new life in Christ! After each service we’ll all enjoy a special hot chocolate fellowship together! It’s going to be a great weekend…you don’t want to miss it!
I want to remind you to pray about our special Compassion Offering that we’ll take on December 7th. What better way is there to express our thanks than to share some of our blessings with those who are less fortunate? This offering will go to support our local “Hands and Feet” partners as well as several of our international mission partners. My prayer is that we would be able to do something amazing as a congregation! Please take some time as a family to pray together, and let the Lord speak. I challenge each of us to consider a sacrificial gift for these ministries that are near to the heart of our Father. My experience and, more importantly, God’s word says that God wants to “provide seed for the sower!” He wants to bless those who are open-handed with the resources He has provided. Let’s trust Him together and see what He does!
I’ll see you this weekend!