Wow…what a great start!
/Wow! We had an amazing start to our new Saturday night service! Close to 400 people showed up for this first service to worship, celebrate, and hear what the bible has to say about our weird families! It was an awesome start to an exciting new worship opportunity!
It was also a great start to our series, "Help, My Family is Weird!" We began by looking at God's original intention for families. Many people caught a new vision for what their family is supposed to be (and still can be!) according to God's word. If you missed this message you can watch the video or listen to the audio by visiting and clicking on the "sermons" link.
This weekend we're going to continue by looking at marriage as the first step in God's design for families. There will be important insights for every one of us, married or single, as we unpack this primary building block of the family. You don't want to miss this message! Maybe you have a friend that could use some encouragement in this area.
If you're new to River City Community Church, you should check out You can find out everything you need to know about what's happening and how to get connected at River City. Be sure to click on the yellow River City News link to get a quick overview of what's coming up and find a helpful event calendar.
We've God an awesome service planned and I have it on good authority that God wants to share something powerful with you. Don't miss it!
I'll see you this weekend,
Pastor Sean